Wednesday, November 16, 2011

small dead animals: Potential Cancer Vaccine?

Potential Cancer Vaccine?

A tiny nation in the middle of an intellectual wasteland has yet another scientific breakthrough;

In a breakthrough development, the Israeli company Vaxil BioTherapeutics has formulated a therapeutic cancer vaccine, now in clinical trials at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. If all goes well, the vaccine could be available about six years down the road, to administer on a regular basis not only to help treat cancer but in order to keep the disease from recurring.

The vaccine is being tested against a type of blood cancer called multiple myeloma. If the substance works as hoped ? and it looks like all arrows are pointing that way ? its platform technology VaxHit could be applied to 90 percent of all known cancers, including prostate and breast cancer, solid and non-solid tumors.

Some countries have all the luck.

Posted by Kate at November 15, 2011 12:56 PM

It's just another plot by the Zionists to take over the world. The vaccine is probably made from the blood of children, or something like that. /bigot

As Instapundit says, Faster please.

We have 6 years to fix medicare then. People are gonna live forever after this.

Gee, hard to believe that this was developped by one of those great Muslim countries in the area. On a more serious note I have always found impossible to understand why the Arab countries to which Israel has over and over again offered assistance in development preferred to remain backwards due to their hatred of Jews. Egypt with a "peace treaty" with Israel was a prime example. It seems there is much truth in the expression of being blinded by hate.

I meant "was not developped by one of those..."

You watch if this thing works and it goes to market bleeding heart liberals will complain that they are profiting from it. When they do I say we tell them to boycott the treatment then.

Saved by the Ezra-lites from the Levant!!

My wife's friend just had breast cancer surgery, and is now in stage 3, grade 2 lobular cancer a candidate for chemotherapy.

Should she survive she may well be needing this vaccine.


Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

1st Saint Nicolaas Army
Army Group ?True North?

Outside of the research having been done in Canada this type of success couldn't happen to a more deserving country.

As much as I would love to see a cancer vaccine, I just don't think it will ever happen due to the multi-billion industry it has become. The so called cancer treatment and research facilities would do anything to prevent an actual cure from being developed. There are too many high paying jobs that would be lost in the process.

?I just don't think it will ever happen due to the multi-billion industry it has become. .... There are too many high paying jobs that would be lost in the process.?

Toontownguy, how can you bear to get out of bed every morning, into a world of such overwhelming evil?

I am not surprised. Wherever there is stunning scientific break-though, you will most likely find one or more Jew near the top leading the way.

Given enough time, the Jew might just develop Warp Drive so they can leave this sorry planet and find a new and better place to excel.

I just pray that they use their good sense and not bring any of the rest of us with them.

'It's the only way to be sure. ' - Ripley

Them Joos are probly making a cancer virus to infect their peaceful Arab neighbours, then deny them the cure-y stuff that they are hogging to themselves.


Don't be too quick to judge Toontown, You should know how voraciously people will fight, cheat and steal to protect their lively-hood. Hell, some unions will kill people who mess with their golden goose.

Many people ARE evil.

This potential treatment for some cancers in some cases will add one more irony to the religion of peace's pile of ironic, stupid and usually unsubstantiated reasons to hate Jews and all things Jewish. If the vaccine works (insha? allah!) the ROP scholarly religious leaders, as they have done before with other life saving vaccines, will refuse to let their followers take the drug because it will be an evil plot for some obscure reason to be announced at a future date. If necessary to cure themselves of cancer, the scholarly religious leaders of the religion of peace would go to Israel for treatment for themselves and come up with a scholarly religious justification also to be announced at a future date.

If I had a nickel for every time cancer has been cured on the internet....

"Don't be too quick to judge Toontown,"
How about if I just laugh? I am already aware of the evil existing in our world, but the perpetrators are not impotent. The problem with most conspiracies is they involve silencing potentially thousands of people for an unlimited period of time. Death? Pay offs?
Now, excuse me while I count the money I got for my 200 mpg carburetor.

My parents said the same thing 30 years ago. They also told me 40 years ago to be wary of "experts", especially of those who are waving a piece of paper.
They were absolutely correct about the latter and in light of the AGW scam, might be on the former. Money, esp BIG MONEY, does corrupt.

What's the big deal, Obamba has a "Nobel Peace Prize" which pretty much wipes out the Jewish domination of Nobel Prizes in Physics and science doesn?t it?

The left has spoken, and it has been determined that Jooooos are nothing compared to an part time Islamic black Affirmative Action messiah, who happens to really really likes golfing and watching B-ball with the homeys.

Just wait until they meet up with the EPA.

Don't believe me? Check out this man's story.

More Zionist lies. It is a cancer-causing drug that the evil Jooos have developed. They will offer it to the Muslim world and with their trademark perfidity, hope to defeat Islam through treachery and help from the Great Satan United States.

Did that sound about right? I can't quite get the tone correct. I'm sure we'll see something like that in the CBC comments. Or for sure.

Hurrah for the Qataris! OH WAIT....

Seriously, congratulations to the Israelis. I hope those responsible end up with so much money and so many Nobel Prizes they don't know where to put it all.

Toontownguy may have a point about the resistance this will face. The US cancer industry was estimated at $15billion/annum in the early '90s and I suspect that sum has grown considerably. There has been a great deal of collusion between the FDA and the American Cancer Institute in the past to squelch any treatment that threatened to replace chemotherapy.

More to the point, will this vaccine be covered by our 'free' healthcare system where everyone is told what to do, what is allowed and when you can get it by the unelected bureaucracy? Curse you, Tommy Douglas!

Pretty neat stuff coming from sons of pigs and monkeys. Who'da thought!
( for those who are thick-headed, I am being sarcastic.)

There go the Jews again, doing clever things. I am sure the Palestinians are irate.

Now if only the Jews in America were smart enough to stop supporting Obama. Something seems to happen to them the moment they leave Israel.

nnffoos has a point.
It is a vast right-wing conspiracy developed by the Elders of Zion in concert with the Freemasons.
The drug will only be available to them. Eventually they will have total control of the world.
You got to admit, those Jews are a clever people.
I hear that part of the chemical compound consists of a drop of blood from a Muslim boy-child.

A show hosted by a Bill Whittle named "Afterburner"? Would he by any chance be descended from Sir Frank Whittle, the inventor of the turbojet?

If this vaccine fulfills its potential, I expect leftists and their muslim fellow travelers everywhere to stand up for their principles and boycott it -- pfffft, yeah, fat chance of that!

Al_in_Ottawa >

"I hope those responsible end up with so much money and so many Nobel Prizes they don't know where to put it all."

As pointed out, Nobel Prizes have proven to be worthless jokes. Just take the money, they'll be in better company.

@ grok
Here's a sample of the real thing.
I'll put it this way pilgrim. Your effort beats my John Wayne impression.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his Own Words

"Today, it is clear that Israel is the most hated regime in the world? It is not useful for its masters [the West] anymore. They are in doubt now. They wonder whether to continue spending money on this regime or not?But whether they want it or not, with God's grace, this regime will be annihilated and Palestinians and other regional nations will be rid of its bad omen."

Sound like somebody pissed in Mahmoud's cornflakes this morning.

If the Palestinians ever succeed in completely taking over Israel, don't hold your breath for this kind of cutting edge stuff to come out of there. If they were smart they'd beg the Israelis to stay. Who else will do their emergency surgeries and cure their diseases?

Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief, best wishes to your wife.

tonntownguy - yup, just like Big Iron Lung killed off the polio vaccine before it had a chance to develop. They sure dodged a bullet there, didn't they?

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