Thursday, March 22, 2012


I posted another story, which i done one year in college whilst being bored doing bot all...
It would be nice if some people could give me feedback.
It's not much but it's something, i was going to keep going with it but i lacked ideas ^-^
Words: 1,401
Pages: 3

Sunlight fades to night. As soon as the light fades a new life is born.
Unsure of what type of life... all I know it is something bloody, deadly and inhumane. Creatively disgusting, cleverly misplaced, jumbled into something unknown.
The only type of light is the light the clear stars give out when street lights are all off or broken, streets filled with blood, ripped up body parts. The smell of rotten flesh filling the dark air, the sound of growls and deep breathing... scratching and moving of something changing the street?s atmosphere.

Do not enter

a sign, reading it in my mind in front of an electrical fence. Hearing the electrical current flowing through, my eyes on the sign. Waiting. Unsure of what we?re wait seemed to for but I knew if I did it could give me less chance to get ripped apart limb from limb, a black hat with black large ears on the top. A hole in both sides releasing my small dark pair of wings, my hair bright blond flowing down from under my hair. Loosely tied into a pony tail, the end of the hair reaching to my ankles letting the soft breeze swift it side to side with the strands swaying to my sight, my height child like but not meant to be expected from a half breed night demon. My hands by my side with nails black pointed and long, sharp enough to cut through strong metals and buildings. My hands in general covered with fingerless laced gloves. My body hidden under a ivory coloured silk dress, on my legs black laced tights with muddy black, unlaced combat boots with faded white angel wings on both sides.

Why am I waiting for someone that will never get here on time? Thinking to myself my eyes rolling down my boots in view, moving my feet slightly hitting softly together. But a sound over powered my senses, jerking my head up quickly, eyes skimming the sky? seeing nothing, it didn?t stop me looking more

?Hey th...? Hearing a voice behind me I snarled loudly as I turned my fist clenched tightly I slammed the fist into the person, not sure where about but I could feel the slight pain they felt running through my knuckles. Hearing a grunt, my fist unclenched and back to my side ?bloody hell man Ivory!? the voice, a male? British accent. Looking at his hairless head I paused

?oh? sorry Daryl?? I whispered softly, my voice sarcastic when he lifted his head up, square shaped head with thick cheek bones, his eyes narrow and small, then his thick chunky lips. He wore nothing over his slim chest area, but black ripped jeans and a pair of black pointed formal shoes, a loud sign escaped his lips as he rolled my eyes standing up straight ?I take it I punched your lungs then??

?No, not at all!? he replied sarcastically rolling his eyes again, I just grinned slightly ?why can?t you be nice for once??

?I wasn?t created to be nice Daryl? I was created to work?. Assassinate, destroy creatures to make the human kind? happy.? I replied seriously then frowned ?you?re late by the way??

?My girlfriend started an argument?? I just smirked again letting out a snicker rolling my eyes at him ?what?? he asked me confused

?next time just walk out? and not be pathetic and argue back, either way you won?t win.? I simply replied my tone serious once again ?but now, we have work to do??

?Ladies first?? he whispered softly a frown on his lips, simply crouching then taking a leap to the other side, my landing soundless and soft. Hearing a slight sound next to me knowing Daryl landed

?now, lead the way?? I whispered softly standing still

?why?? hearing his voice ask not impressed

?so if a creature gets to me, you?ll get injured first.? I answered ?and plus your meant to be a gentleman?

?Fine! Fine?? hearing him mutter, taking his large steps in front I followed slowly taking my time. Constant growls and snarls around seeing Daryl stopping every so often I just rolled my eyes walking beside him

?why are you scared?? asking him, he turned to face me letting out a nervous laugh

?I?m not scared!? he replied loudly which made me growl softly, hearing heavy footsteps from every angle

?way to go Daryl, now we have to fight a group of them...?

?What are we fighting anyway?? He asked confused hearing him shaking

?Vampires...? I replied simply, which made him frown

?so killing my kind...?

?But ones that have lacked blood...? Hearing a screech in front of me both me and Daryl turned seeing a creature, bat wings, shredded skin with large pointed ears. Their eyes were wide... black but blood shot, noses... well... just holes on the face and their teeth all sharp and covered in blood, their feet just claws. Screeching above I looked up growling, they were above us as well

?Wow...? Hearing Daryl whisper ?so that?s what I would look like if I didn?t have a girlfriend??

?Yes...? I paused softly ?yes it is...? I snarled as I pulled something from under my dress that rested on my thigh, a small silver moon shaped boomerang. I smirked softly as I threw it quickly ?Daryl, get the ones above us, I?ll take these ones...?

?Right!? hearing him shout as he jumped, the boomerang slicing off their wings then coming back to me I grabbed it hearing them cry, their wings simply breaking once they touched the floor I shook my boomerang hard then spikes came out from the sides of it, throwing it again their heads off and breaking turning into ashes as well as their bodies. Grabbing my boomerang again I shook it, the spikes gone. Standing still after a couple of seconds I could feel something softly land on the top of my hat, placing my hand to feel I looked up seeing Daryl about to land so I took a side step for him to land.

?Thank you, for putting ashes on my hat...? I muttered softly brushing it off quickly as I started to walk on

?Welcome Ivory.? Hearing him chuckle power walking beside me

?only children would find something as simple as that amusing...? I paused ?oh wait... you?re a vampire, your mind is just simple in general?

?hey that kind of offensive...?

?Well I can?t help but be truthful...? I muttered softly hearing the growls getting louder I stopped in my spot, my hand on Daryl?s stomach stopping him from moving ?their sight might be good in the dark, but they use their hearing and scent more than their sight...? I barely whispered my eyes at the corner glancing at him quickly

?I can smell your blood pumping through you...? hearing Daryl mouth back which made me smirk ?I can smell the sweet vanilla of your living skin...? hearing him softly purr I frowned

?Fantasizing doesn?t get the work done Daryl? my whispered ?concentr-? I grunted feeling something heavy crashing into my back hard my head hitting the floor the world started to blur, feeling something sharp in my shoulders making me heavily grunt then hearing a squeal just above my ear then feeling... nothing. Getting lifted to my feet I quickly shook my head out of the blurriness frowning ?One?s attacked, the rest will be on their way...?

?But I do admit... your blood does smell amazing...? Rolling my eyes at Daryl?s comment

?that is because my blood is not fully human...? I grunted grabbing Daryl?s hands to get them off me as I stood forward. Stamping getting louder towards us knowing they were around, I turned to Daryl who looked confused

?Where are they?? Hearing him ask I just grunted softly

?Their using invisibility?? I mouthed taking a step back, my position changing, legs bents arms out wide, my hand up and flat waiting for an attack. I held my breath and closed my eyes tightly, then opened them again? My sight different, seeing a lot of different colours, seeing the coldness of the creatures surrounding Daryl and I ?Don?t move a muscle?

?Why?? hearing him whisper, seeing a creature run I quickly threw my boomerang watching the creature get slices then the boomerang back in my hands. The dust visible Daryl paused staring ?oh??


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