Friday, March 16, 2012

Real Estate Investors: Bulk Foreclosures for Sale

Homes for Sale - Real Estate - Bulk ForeclosuresThere has been much talk about the government selling bulk foreclosures which will be converted into rentals. What will this actually mean to the housing market? For the answer to that question, we go directly to the 2/28/2012 Senate testimony of the person making the decisions on this subject: Edward J. DeMarco, Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

Have Any Foreclosures Been Sold in Bulk?

?Yesterday we announced the first transaction in our REO Initiative pilot program. This transaction includes approximately 2,500 properties, divided into 8 sub pools by geographic area.?

Will These Sales Be Limited to Certain Markets?

?The targeted Metropolitan Statistical Areas are likely no surprise to you because they represent hard-hit parts of the country: Las Vegas, Nevada; Phoenix, Arizona; various communities in Florida; Chicago, Illinois; Riverside and Los Angeles, California; and Atlanta, Georgia? Future transactions will also be targeted to these types of markets, where the supply of homes for sale is greater than the demand from homebuyers and where demand for rental housing is strong.?

Who Qualifies for These Sales?

?Investors will be able to submit applications to demonstrate their financial capacity, relevant market experience, and specific plans for purchasing pools of 6 foreclosed properties with the requirement to rent the purchased properties for a specified number of years.?

Will Most Foreclosures Be Sold This Way?

?Our primary goal will continue to be selling properties first to homebuyers who will use them as their primary residences or non-profits that include homes in mission-oriented activities. We also want to enhance the opportunity for smaller-scale investors to bid on properties, and obtain financing, should initial efforts to market the properties to owner-occupants fail.?

Will the Bulk Sales Program Lessen the Pressure on Home Prices?

?The number of properties available for sale by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac represents only a fraction of the total supply that is depressing home values in certain affected markets.?

Any plan that reduces the number of foreclosures will help home prices. However, this plan will not have a dramatic impact on the large number of homes that are currently in the foreclosure process.

Article original published at KCM blog.

About Irina:? Irina is a Top Realtor and the founder and President of Pasadena Views Real Estate Team? and 365 Things To Do In Pasadena?. She is available to assist you in all of your Real Estate transactions. Email or call her today at (626)629-8439.


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